



Transcendental Meditation Technique — For inner peace, energy and wellness

The two next TM courses in English will start on Saturdays 8 and 22 February 2025

and at other dates on request

A digital platform is now available on smartphone to reduce to ONE the amount of in-person learning sessions needed.
It maintains the high level of personal attention and follow-up the teacher provides everyone learning the TM technique. 



Transcendental Meditation is a simple, natural, effortless technique practiced 20 minutes twice a day while sitting comfortably. It enables mind and body to access a special quality of rest. Over ten million people of all ages, cultures and religions have learnt TM. Anyone can learn!


Stress and anxiety are harmful to health, happiness, creativity and productivity. Hundreds of published research studies on TM verify its effectiveness for reducing stress, improving focus and clarity of mind, strengthening immunity and much more.


This will be presented by a certified teacher of Transcendental Meditation and generally takes about 1 hour.
You will find out:

  • Why TM is so effective for stress and anxiety
  • Why anyone can practise TM
  • What benefits you can realistically expect
  • How it works – the process of transcending
  • How TM differs from other meditations
  • What happens during TM

Following the intro talk there will be an opportunity to meet privately with the Teacher to discuss personal considerations. This talk is a prerequisite to joining a course of instruction in TM, but there is no commitment to learn. It is open to everyone even if you only have a mild curiosity! Feel free to bring a friend.

To book a place, please indicate the intro talk of your choice and your contact informations (free entry):

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Qu'est-ce que l'Ayurveda ?
images 5Quels sont ses origines et fondements ?
En quoi consiste une consultation ?
Que peut-elle m'apporter ?
*** Consultations avec le Dr. S. Sharma les 12-13 avril

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